Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's HOT

Oh, Lawdy! It's HOT!

Yesterday, 100 degrees a block from my un-air conditioned shop as I drove to our un-air conditioned home in my un-air conditioned van.

Before, you go nuts calling me "nuts", neither Brian nor I work regularly in air conditioning, so it is more comfortable (and healthier) to simply get used to the weather rather than try to maintain a narrow range of comfortable temperature and then be uncomfortable all day at work.
Plus, we hate closing up the house (windows open all winter too).
Plus, we just like to be closer to nature.

But at 100!


  1. I love ya but I still think you're nuts! :) Air conditioning = BEST INVENTION EVER!!

  2. Well...Had I know when you came over to visit and give us the estimate for the art I would have turned off the air and started a fire! LOL....However, I do understand your thinking. I used to work for years in and non-air-conditioned truck for that local communication company that will go un-named and I tend to remember being to cold at night when I slept in my air-conditioned house in Broadripple. Hey let us know when you want Ernest to come over. Maybe wait until a cool day, since he like AIR....LOL
